Total miles ridden 3524 miles
Total feet climbed 113,261 ft
Days of riding 57
Days off 2
Longest day 111 miles
Shortest day 22 miles
Average miles/day 62
Miles driven by the RV
(aka Victory Wagon!) 7247
# of flat tires 7; Rob 4, Tex 2, C2 1
Chains replaced 2; Rob & C2
Cassettes replaced 1 C2
Bike computers replaced 2; Rob & C2
Bike shops visited 5
# of “tip overs” 5; Tex 3, Rob 2
Bad Dog encounters 1
Ferries taken 3
Rumble strip encounters 38; Tex 22, Rob 16, C2 0
Wrong turns 12 (minor), 1 (pissed us off)
Times we had to ride
on an interstate 1
Dedicated bike paths 10
Coffee spills in the RV 3; Rob 2 Boomer 1
Trains we got to whistle at us 5
Motels so bad we refused to stay 1
Motels so bad we should
have refused to stay 1 more
CC alumni we met along
the way 4; Sam Harper, Linda Crout Spevacek, Wayne Skigen, George
Times we said “It’s here somewhere” 57
Amazing people we met 582
Roadkill dodged 8973
Considerate drivers 38,694
Inconsiderate drivers 7
Muscle Milk consumed 147
Popsicles consumed 63
Different beers tasted 85
# Lobsters eaten in Maine 14
Most lobsters eaten by one person
in one day 2 (by C2) Really!
Times we said “WOW” !!! Over 10,000
Disclaimer: These numbers were obtained directly from Team C2C members whose memories may be suspect at best. Therefore and forthwith Team C2C does not make any warranties as to the completeness, reliability and/or accuracy of this information. What Team C2C will attest to is that we had a rockin’ great time and that it was a trip of a lifetime!
I love this post, Cathy! So much fun, and so "CC" (slipstick slide rule, etc). Hope you don't mind - I'm sharing with the CC FB page group - it's such a good wrap up and I think they'll enjoy it!
Best wishes for a fun, snowy ski season!
Love you lots,